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Getting involved in a home fellowship provides you with an opportunity to form close, personal relationships with others while studying the Bible in an up-close and purposeful way. Home fellowships are home-based, co-ed small groups. They generally consist of Bible study, discussion and prayer. Our groups meet continually throughout the year with occasional breaks for holidays and summer.

Young Adult and Families


1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 6:30 pm

(Child care is provided)


Location: The Door 

49 Third Avenue, CV, 91910


Contact: Raysan Benito

Bible Studies

Men's & Women's 

@ 6:30 pm 

Location: The Door 
49 Third Avenue, CV, 91910

Contact: The Martins

Paradise Hills

Friday @ 7:00 pm 
Location: Paradise Hills

Contact: Joe Canter

North Chula Vista and Zoom

Fridays @6:00 pm 
(Starting 930/22)

Location: The Door 49 Third Avenue, CV, 91910 and Zoom

Contact: Russel Walker
for the Zoom Link

South Chula Vista

Friday @ 7:00 pm 
Location: Joiner Residence

Contact: Jim Joiner


Estudio De Biblia

Viernes 7:00pm


Lugar: La Puerta

49 Third Ave. CV 91910


Habra cuidado de niños!


Contacto: Eric Martin

Sunday Service

English - Sunday 9:30 am

Español - Domingo 11:30 am

Sunday Service Location

3737 Sweetwater Road

National City, CA 91950



Church Office - The Door

Mailing Address/Midweek Activities

49 Third Ave

Chula Vista, CA 91910

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